Ya Tuhan… ada apa lagi ini? Apa yang terjadi sama band favorit aku? apa yang terjadi sama band folk metal terhebat yang pernah ada di dunia ini?

Setelah Pade keluar, Nicole cabut, dan kayaknya Kay Brem juga ikutan hengkang (aku liat foto bassist di live terbarunya kayak bukan Kay gitu), terus… sekarang… 3 icon penting di Eluveitie juga ikutan kabur!!



Setelah hati para fans hancur setelah kepergian mbak Nicole, kalian menambah luka yang jauh lebih dalam lagi. Perih banget tau ga sih denger kabar ini tuh perihnya mana tahan!!

Sebenernya kabar ini udah dipublish sama official Eluveitie dari tanggal 5 May yang lalu, cuma karena aku telat update, jadi aku baru tau malam ini.Dan langsung aku tulis di sini. Aku pikir udah cukup dulu DELUHI sama Megaromania bubar, tapi ternyata dunia band Eropa juga ga kalah nyakitin.

Padahal aku udah nunggu-nunggu banget rilisan album akustik terbaru mereka. Serius, ini mengejutkan banget bagi aku. Anna Murphy!! Anna gitu bro!! Anna, lady Celtic yang jadi magnet di Eluveitie, memutuskan untuk hengkang!!

Mbak, apa jadinya Eluveitie tanpa kamu mbak?? Aku ga mungkin bisa bener-bener menikmati Eluveitie tanpa kehadiran kamu! Kamu udah jadi dewi di hati aku, di hati para penggemar Eluveitie.

Haduh~ sedih!! parah!! Susah mau ngungkapin gimana perihnya luka ini. Aku yakin fans Eluveitie di luar sana pasti banyak yang nangis sampe guling-guling. Pergantian personil Eluveitie emang sering terjadi, tapi plis… Engga buat Anna, Ivo, dan Merlin! Mereka bertiga ditambah Chrigel itu udah kayak satu paket. Bener banget kata Chrigel, mereka bertiga itu GA AKAN TERGANTIKAN!!


Ok deh, daripada koar-koar ga tentu arah, nih aku kasih liat copy-an pernyataan official Eluveitie di akun facebook nya :

With a heavy heart we have to announce that Eluveitie will go through another change soon.
We have decided to part ways with our longtime drummer Merlin Sutter. In the consequence of this, Merlin’s close personal friends Anna Murphy and Ivo Henzi decided to leave Eluveitie as well.

We all developed a lot over the last ten years – not only as a band, but also as individuals. And we partly developed in different directions; different goals, wishes and ideas emerged. Over the last years we all had to deal with interpersonal challenges within the band. Instead of pulling together, our days have rather been shaped by wearing friction and constant clash of interests. And thus we felt that we have become something we shouldn’t have; that we’ve diverged from what Eluveitie was always meant to be – a band, a family, a passionate and deep-rooted group of musicians, where heart’s blood can flow freely! Eluveitie was always meant to be about „rock’n’roll“, passion and also about ‘carrying the torch’ of the Celtic spirit.
Yet over the years we have partly diverged from our roots, which is not good.

Each and every single one of us is definitely a passionate musician! But in this group constellation, we seemed to rather cumber, than to inspire each other. The band has suffered from this for a longer time now.
So we ended up in this painful situation where the mentioned facts have made it impossible to us to continue like this and we came to the point eventually, where we believe, it’s best to go seperate ways.

It was a terribly hard decision to make and it hasn’t been done carelessly, but with tears and a heavy heart.

We know that this is tough to handle – for everybody. And we know it sucks badly that things developed this way.
Above the fact that this is hard to handle for us personally and emotionally, we are painfully aware of how much it also must disappoint you, our fans… which makes it even harder.

We do not part from each others in hatred though.
From our hearts we wish Merlin, Anna & Ivo only the very best for their future ways and also all the best of luck and success for all their further musical projects. For we’re sure their musical journey will go on and it will be great. And maybe our ways will even cross again in future, in a different way.

For us in Eluveitie this now also means a lot to deal with.
We do not want to look at it as yet another line-up change!

For us it means to seclude ourselves for a while, to take the inward turn and to recollect. We will go back to our roots and become again what we once have been.

We will still play the next couple of shows together with Merlin, Anna and Ivo. Their last performance with Eluveitie will be the FortaRock – The Festival in Nijmegen (NL) on the 5th of June. So you should grab your chance and come to one of these shows!

After that we will not leave you, our fans, hanging. We promise you to play every single show we have confirmed so far! We will perform with temporary stand-in musicians until our new line-up is ready and we promise to do everything to find the best possible session musicians we can! There won’t be „replacements“ – Merlin, Anna and Ivo are unique and not „replaceable“. Yet we will come on stage with a very strong live line-up – this is a promise.

If you want to share your feelings about this all – please feel free to contact us here at anytime; we will do all we can to share this time with you and answer your questions!

Here you go with a common statement from Merlin, Anna and Ivo:

„For more than 10 years, 6 studio albums, and nearly a thousand shows in 46 countries on 6 continents, Eluveitie has been at the very centre of our lives. We’ve had the immense privilege to bring joy to fans from around the world, exploring a diverse range of places and cultures few ever get to experience in their lifetime.

We have now been faced with an impossible situation, and left with no choice but to announce our departure. Personal differences and decisions taken by the remaining members have made it impossible for any of us to continue. None of us wanted to leave Eluveitie, and it is important to us that you, the fans, know that disappointing you is the most difficult part in this decision. We can only hope for your understanding. Without your support we would have achieved nothing, and we are eternally grateful for it.

Chrigel Glanzmann will continue on his path just as we will on ours. Therefore, the music you love will evolve and branch out, and we encourage you to look forward to it. In the meantime, we will give it everything on stage one more time, hopefully with you, while completing the current world tour as well as our last European shows in May and early June. Our last show in Switzerland takes place in Basel on June 3rd, and our final show with Eluveitie will follow the same weekend at Fortarock Festival in Holland.

We would like to clarify that Shir-Ran Yinon, Eluveitie’s amazingly talented current (non-voting) session violin player and our good friend, has not been involved directly in these unfortunate events. She will continue to perform (and kick ass!) with Eluveitie for the Summer festivals and will then continue on to new adventures as well.

As for the three of us: our musical journey together is far from over, and we are incredibly excited to share new music with you in the future. If you would like to continue supporting us, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the like – we will share news about our future projects as soon as they are ready. In fact, following our official channels is the most certain way to be among the first to hear new music.

Please also take the time to visit Anna Murphy, Merlin Sutter and Ivo Henzi – Official now, where we have shared personal statements and where we will be doing our best to answer your questions, or just reflect with you on all the good times in the past decade. We do ask you to respect that the particulars of what happened should remain private, and thank you for your understanding.

Anna, Ivo, and Merlin.”


Omaigaaaadddd~ apa-apaan sih ini!! Ga sejalan? Ga satu tujuan?

Bukannya selama 10 tahun ini kalian bisa jalan bersama? Lainnya pada keluar masuk tapi kalian ber empat tetep bersama kan? Kok bisa sih? KENAPA??

Ok, sebagai penggemar Eluveitie yang beli album ori nya pun engga, aku harus terima ini dengan lapang hati. Walaupun kita ga pernah tau apa yang sebenernya terjadi di dalam sana, drama apa yang lagi dipentaskan di industri musik sana.

Aku mencoba memahami dan berusaha menghargai apapun keputusan mereka. aku, kita para penggemar Eluveitie cuma berharap Eluveitie bakalan terus ada,meski tanpa 2 dewa dan 1 dewi itu, Eluveitie akan tetap berdiri teguh, terus berkarya, and never die.

dan buat mbak Anna, om Ivo, dan om Merlin, teruskan apa yang menjadi mimpi dan tujuan kalian. Semoga kalian bisa meraih masa depan yang lebih cerah.

Sebenernya aku sih penasaran banget kenapa bisa kompakan gitu. Udah gitu Anna sama Ivo lagi, yang 2 orang itu tuh aku suka banget pake super, super suka banget sama mereka. Hmm… jangan-jangan Anna sama Ivo mau nikahan, punya anak yang cukup terus mau bikin band folk metal sendiri sama keluarga gitu ya? terus ntar Merlin jadi menejernya. Leh uga!

Wkwkwk… Tapi ga gitu juga sih. Anna bilang, dia udah bikin beberapa lagu baru, dan Ivo sama Merlin akan jadi bagian dari band bentukan barunya Anna.

ini serius!! Ya walaupun aku sedih karena mereka ga bareng Eluveitie lagi, tapi seenggaknya Anna sama Ivo masih bareng, dan akan sama-sama bentuk band dari awal, semoga bertahan sampai akhir dunia.

Nah makanya aku tuh penasaran kenapa bisa gini. Anna bilang sebenernya dia ga pingin keluar dari Eluveitie, tapi ga ada pilihan lain,dan akhirnya inilah pilihan dia.

Hmm… jangan-jangan ini cuma permainan label rekaman mereka aja? kayak yang udah umum terjadi di industri musik negara lainnya. Kali aja XD

Tapi yaudalah seterah!

Anna, Ivo, Merlin, abis keluar dari Eluveitie, plis ya, jangan lama-lama tenggelamnya. Buruan nongol lagi dengan karya-karya yang baru. Kalau Anna, Ivo, sama Merlin mau bikin band sendiri dengan genre musik yang berbeda, ok, ga apa-apa. Aku dukung!

We love you! :’)




Panggung Eluveitie udah ga dihiasi wajah cantik dan pesona dewi Celtic ini lagi..

my anna
Liat tuh di belakangnya! kayaknya mereka udah ditakdirkan buat selalu bersama *ga gitu juga*

Kita ga akan dengar scream  menggetarkan dan suara indah Anna di lagu-lagu Eluveitie berikutnya..

anna murphy titisan muse
Kamu pasti titisan para muses!! iya kan? ngaku aja deh!

Sedih deh, padahal baru aja aku ada rencana mau bikin postingan tentang Anna lagi. saking aku cintanya sama Anna. Cinta banget pokoknya!



Buat kamu yang demen sama Eluveitie, yuk, gabung di Grup Eluveitie Indonesia!! Kita bisa sharing apapun tentang Eluveitie. Tapi tolong gunakan forum itu dengan baik dan bijak ya ^_^